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Posted in History, Iran, Nature, Nowruz, Photo, Photography, World by homeyra on March 21, 2007


Courtesy of Riccardo Zipoli
Iran, 25 Photo galleries

These days, years … it sounds almost indecent to talk about joy, but the wise PPGG keeps reminding us, we must affirm life

and Nowruz is a celebration of life: the beginning of a new cycle, a tribute to Nature, Earth, a homage to joy and wisdom as major forces defying Ahriman, the hostile spirits.

Nowruz is celebrated by people of various faith in different countries. Despite all the contemporary Ahrimans and subsidiaries, maybe there is still hope that we learn something from such an ancient tradition.

Around the world: “Nowruz is publicly celebrated in the Caucasus region and central Asia.

novruz-azarbaijan.jpg It is a colorful holiday in: Azerbaijan, Turkmenistan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Pakistan, Kazakhstan, and Kyrgyzstan. In Albania Sultan Nevruz is celebrated as a mainly mystical day by the Bektashi sect. … Nowruz is also celebrated by Kurds in Iraq and Turkey as well as by Parsis in India and Pakistan. Other notable celebrations take place by Iranians around the world, such as Los Angeles, Toronto, Cologne and in UK, mainly in London …”
Nowruz in Afghanistan

India, Holy Festival
Čiburijada, Bosnian Nowruz

چشن ملي نوروز در شاهنامه فردوسي بزرگ
نوروز در آذربايجان
نوروز در كردستان
نوروز در افعانستان
نوروز در تاجيكستان
Pdf نوروز درقفقاز

Pdf تاريجچه جشن چهارشنبه سوري
Pdf چهارشنبه سوري در تالش

1142924596_navruz.jpg navruz-usbek.jpg

Nowruz is celebrated for 13 days. The first few days one visits older members of the family, relatives and friends. Gifts are exchanged; sweets and feasts are consumed. On the 13th people will spend a day, Sizdah Bedar out by the nature: parks, countryside, etc.

New Year marked despite growing tensions
This year nature has a hard time … read more
The Persian Mirror haftsin display, send your pictures!
Greetings from Badragheh
نق نقو:‌ كارنامه سال
Nowruz at
The Official site of Nowruz

Update March 2008:
نمادهاي نوروزي در فرهنگ تاجيكان

آمادگيها براي برگزاري جشن نوروز در افغانستان 

5 Responses

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  1. peoplesgeography said, on March 22, 2007 at 3:50 pm

    Glad to learn about this wonderful and ancient tradition. The links are very helpful, thanks for including them.

    Happy Nowruz/ New Year! And may there be joy for you during the next fortnight or so particularly, and beyond.

  2. Bijan said, on March 22, 2007 at 4:27 pm

    Great as usual. Thanks! I just wanted to say I was here and I’ll be back to read the rest.
    Aeidet Mobarak 🙂

  3. homeyra said, on March 22, 2007 at 4:30 pm

    Thank you PPGG 🙂 My best wishes to you to.
    The more you read the news and recent history – your recent post for instance and the next!- the more you are overwhelmed!
    The cycle of nature was as good as any other pretext to have a short break!

    Thanks Bijan🙂 Happy New Year to you too, I hope you had a great time with your family.

  4. Faramin said, on March 23, 2007 at 2:00 am

    Happy New Year!

    Beautiful photos.

  5. homeyra said, on March 23, 2007 at 12:07 pm

    Thanks Faramin. HNY 2U2 🙂

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